Security for your residential property

The security provided by locks and keys is so useful in today’s world. In fact, it always has been! Going back thousands of years, homes, palaces, temples and tombs have been carefully guarded by locks and locking devices of all kinds. One place that absolutely demands good security is your home. Here in Commerce City, Colorado our locksmith shop offers premium quality residential locksmith service for area homes of all styles, sizes and price ranges. Being a part of the Denver, CO metroplex demands that we offer a wide range of home lock and key solutions and that’s exactly what Commerce City Top Locksmith does! Even if you don’t live here in the region, you can still make good use of our residential locksmith recommendations and tips and put them to use in your locale.

Yes, it can happen to you!

Robberies, home invasions and burglaries don’t always happen to the “other” person – they can happen to you, too! Not to be paranoid, but you can be adequately prepared for the unfortunate, unexpected event of an uninvited intruder at your home. While there’s no guarantee that residential crime won’t happen, you can decrease the chances of it by taking some simple and very affordable precautions.

Who’s at the door?

The purpose of good locksmith security for your home is not to turn your residence into Fort Knox. Unlike television shows and movies, your home locks are not meant to keep out drug lords or federal agents looking to bust you for some imaginary crime. The vast majority of break-ins, home invasions, burglaries and similar incidents are done by low level crooks, teenagers, homeless or even drunk people. Your residential security is meant to stop them cold or at least frustrate them enough so that they leave your property and either give up or move on to another, less secure home.

Different levels of security

Like anything else, there are different levels of locksmith security ranging from the most basic to the latest, high tech hardware and security techniques. This is because some homes contain cash, weapons, art collections, jewelry, electronics, collectibles and other items of great value. Often, insurance companies will insist on better home protection when writing policies. But whether you live in a mobile home or a mansion, you will need quality door locks and at least a deadbolt for minimum protection to begin with.

Speaking of deadbolts…

Every home should have a solid, well installed deadbolt lock on its front door. The same goes for a peephole; if you don’t have these two, get them! The peephole’s purpose is obvious – who’s at the door? The deadbolt lock buys you extra time if someone is attempting a break-in. Once they manage to bypass your main door lock, they must now get past your deadbolt. For most intruders, this is too much to ask for and it increases their chance of getting caught as you could be arming yourself or calling police. Even if you are not home, a neighbor or passerby could see you or an alarm could sound. Seconds count during a break-in and having a strong deadbolt lock buys you extra, needed time.


One of the most economical and smart ways to increase your home security is to simply rekey your locks. This process is discreet and very affordable as your present lock stays in place. Your locksmith will simply alter the inside pins and springs so that only new keys can be used. All old key copies are now void and you are free to pass out new keys to your most trusted family members, guest or friends if so desired. 

Security door

Adding a security door to your home is very smart. The better ones are strong and can resist tampering and most forced break-ins. They act much like deadbolts in that they add another line of defense to your home protection. Security doors are easy to attach, affordable in price and since they are built-on, they become a permanent part of your home and thus increase its value. Having a security door can also lower your home insurance premiums so be sure to check with your insurance agent. Plus, answering the door with a locked security door present prevents an intruder from forcing his way past you and into your home.

Use your garage door interior lock

If you have an attached garage, get in the habit of locking the door that leads into your home. If you leave your garage door open by accident or if someone removes a panel and slips inside or uses a coat hanger to activate your opener, your locked garage door can stop them (for a while at least) from getting inside your house. We recommend locking this door and even adding a second garage door lock that attaches to your track and prevents the door itself from being manually lifted up.

Close the curtains

Don’t start being paranoid but do start paying attention to your surroundings. Strangers, burglars and home invaders often stand right outside windows and observe their future victims. They look out for weapons on the premises, floor plan layouts, number of occupants, positioning of valuables like safes, art, electronics, etc. If lights are on and it’s dark outside, this makes their job of observing your home’s interior all the easier. Sex offenders and human traffickers look out for the presence of children or baby sitters. We encourage folks to be aware of surroundings and to draw the curtains and close blinds after hours.

Start locking doors

It never hurts to get into the habit of door locking. Good habits are learned by repetition so start locking front, back and garage doors whenever possible. Many a kidnapping, burglary or home invasion was made possible by the culprit simply walking through an unlocked door or window. Don’t make it easy for them; using your already present door locks is an affordable and smart way to reduce residential crime.

Commerce City Locksmith

For More Info.

Call us at (720) 310-1713

Commerce City Locksmith is proud to provide services for those looking for automotive, residential, emergency and commercial solutions in Commerce City.
